Ansamblul de dansuri populare apreciat de multi organizatori din Bucuresti datorita seriozitatii si calitatii spectacolelor oferite.

Cu dansuri folclorice deosebite, costume autentice pline de culoare, dansatori frumosi, muzica populara antrenanta, solisti vocali si instrumentisti talentati, prezentam spectacole de succes in cadrul evenimentelor de prestigiu ce se desfasoara in capitala Romaniei.

1 Decembrie - Ziua Nationala


In aceasta zi speciala, am primit un mesaj de la Consiliul International al Dansului :

With this significant privilege, International Dance Council CID is pleased to wish a sincere Happy Birthday to Romania

December 1st is the day we remember fondly the glorious past of these lands and revive strong national conscience.  

A past full of faith and traditions, foundations on which were built the proud and dignified people of today, the Romanian people. 

May dance live harmoniously with the Romanian, as it lasted over centuries and may tradition always be its fingerprints.

God bless and guide you.
Happy birthday Romanians! Happy birthday Romania.

International Dance Council     CID-UNESCO, ParisFrance